Soft skills

Soft skills are a set of personal attributes, qualities, and abilities that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others in various social and professional settings. Unlike technical or hard skills, which are specific to a particular job or industry, soft skills are transferable and applicable to a wide range of situations and roles. They are often referred to as people skills or interpersonal skills.


  • @Akshata_09 said:
    Soft skills are a set of personal attributes, qualities, and abilities that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others in various social and professional settings. Unlike technical or hard skills, which are specific to a particular job or industry, soft skills are transferable and applicable to a wide range of situations and roles. They are often referred to as people skills or interpersonal skills.

    Soft skills play a pivotal role in personal and professional success, serving as the glue that fosters positive interactions in diverse environments. These adaptable attributes, such as communication, empathy, and teamwork, transcend job titles, promoting collaboration and understanding.

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