Is it compulsary to remember all the commands of different software's or there are some other techniques/methods to use or apply these commands at workstation?


  • In the world of IoT (Internet of Things), it is not always necessary to memorize all the commands associated with different software. Various techniques and methods exist to streamline the application of commands at the workstation:

    1. Use Scripts for Repetitive Stuff:

    Instead of remembering every command, you can write scripts using languages like Python or Bash. These scripts do the heavy lifting for you, so you don't have to keep all commands in your head.

    2. Shortcuts with Aliases:

    For the commands you use a lot, you can create shortcuts, also known as aliases. It's like giving a nickname to a command, making it simpler to remember and use.

    3. Keep Cheat Sheets Handy:

    Ever heard of cheat sheets? They're like quick guides that list commands and their shortcuts. Having one around can save you from scratching your head trying to remember stuff.

    4. Play Around in Safe Spaces:

    Interactive learning platforms let you play around with commands in a safe environment. It's like a playground for learning without the fear of messing things up.

    5. Click Instead of Type:

    Some IoT tools come with fancy interfaces where you can click buttons instead of typing commands. This doesn't replace all commands but makes things more user-friendly.

    There are plenty of tricks and tools out there to make dealing with IoT commands less of a headache. You don't need to be a walking encyclopedia of commands – just be smart about how you handle them!

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